07/11/2023, 09:56

Scame renews itself. A new identity to be even more connected.

In the year in which we celebrate 60 years of activity, our gaze is already turned to the future, to undertake and face the upcoming challenges.

In the year in which we celebrate 60 years of activity, our gaze is already turned to the future, to undertake and face the upcoming challenges. We do this through a rebranding of our corporate image. A move that fits into the company's long-term vision of growth and evolution in the industrial landscape, while remaining true to the values that have made it a reference point over the years.



A change in the logo to tell our deep soul. A symbol, the "M of Scame," that becomes a manifesto of the new image with a narrative that embraces the two main business aspects, industry and e-mobility, as well as the sense of belonging to the territory (the mountains of Val Seriana) and to the entire community of internal and external stakeholders of our company. A color that remains faithful to red but warms up (the Pantone is called Warm Red) to be even more inclusive and convey the identity of service, in addition to the historical manufacturing identity.

Finally, a new payoff, "Feeling Connected," that communicates our natural inclination to find the right connection through solutions and relationships, with customers in global markets, as well as locally, with the communities and the territory where we are active.

A rebranding that represents not only an aesthetic change but also a renewed promise to customers, partners, and collaborators. "We want our brand to reflect the dynamism, innovation, and reliability that have always characterized Scame over the years", Stefano Scainelli, CEO of Scame Parre S.p.A., stated

The rebranding process has involved employees, foreign branches, customers, and partners in recent months through dedicated meetings to anticipate the change, and will continue with the redesign of the website, social channels, and all major communication tools.


Scame Parre S.p.a Branch
Dubai Silicon Oasis
Lynx Business Tower - Office No. 208
P.O. Box 341349
Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Scame Parre S.p.a.

Via Costa Erta 15
24020 Parre (BG) -  Italy 
​​​​​​​Phone 0039035705000​​​​​​​

© 2021 scame parre S.p.a.